Fredag 28. april
kl. 19:30
Varighet: 60 min
Skapt og fremført av: Anne Katrine Haugen, Liv Hanne Haugen, Margunn Kilde og Meagan O’Shea
A series of intersecting solos based on experiences - personal, collective and shared. Created and performed by local dance artists Anne Katrine Haugen, Liv Hanne Haugen, Margunn Kilde and Canadian, Meagan O’Shea.
So what happens when 4 womxn decide to examine what they’ve been told, what they’ve swallowed and when they decide that it’s time to pull the blinds off and step into their sexual power?
Hormonal changes, not caring about what society thinks, too late for children, coming out «late», nonbinary, queer, infidelity, menopausal, not interested in sex, discovering new sex, discovering our own pleasure.
Støttet av: Fond for lyd og bilde, Fond for utøvende kunstnere, Fritt Ord, Tromsø kommune, Tromsø Kulturskole, Davvi- Senter for scenekunst og Peripheral Center.